The How, Why and What of Tree Seed Collection

Past Event - see recording below 

This session is led by a variety of CWA partners and members, who share their experiences about the How, Why and What of Seed Collection. 

  • Dave MacIntyre, from Elsoms Trees Ltd, discusses seed collection of the spring seed producing species such as Willow, Elm and Gean 

  • Craig Shearer, from Elsoms Trees Ltd, shares different methods for collecting seeds 

  • Tasha Fyffe, from the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust tells us about their experiences of seed collecting in their woodland

  • Steve Blow at Cairngorm Connect, talks about seed collection for conservation, particularly regarding upland sites and collection of seed from some of the rarer species

  • Rick Worrell, a retired forestry consultant, with expertise in the growing of hardwood for quality timber, shares his experience with hardwood improvement projects, and the importance of seed collection