CWA CEO Jon Hollingdale to step down after 15 years in post

Jon Hollingdale, the chief executive officer of the Community Woodlands Association (CWA) has recently advised the CWA Board of his decision to resign from his post. Jon has decided that the time is now right for him to step down from his current role, although he will continue in post until the completion of his period of notice. The CWA is very sorry to lose Jon from the organisation, but respects his decision and has now started the process of recruiting his replacement.

The CWA Board wants to put on record its appreciation of the immense contribution Jon has made to the CWA as an organisation and to community forestry as a wider sector. He has consistently been a strong and respected voice on land and community matters; has made a positive contribution to policy and legislative development; and been a very effective advocate for the community forestry sector. Jon was one of the founding Directors of the CWA in 2003 and became its CEO on 1st August 2007 and has therefore been in post for nearly 15 years. Over the last 15 years and more Jon has assisted a great many community groups in acquiring, developing and managing their woodlands. The CWA Board offers Jon its very best wishes for the future.

Jen Pittendreigh